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Wisconsin Herd STEAM Workshop

For two years, the Wisconsin Herd has partnered with Artist Patrick “Patcasso” Hunter and DJ Steady Rock, who are STEAM ambassadors with STEAM Revolt, to host a STEAM workshop at a local Oshkosh School. During the workshop, 60 kids from Vel Phillips Middle School were challenged to do multiple exercises using all the elements of STEAM. First, the groups had to create the tallest tower using marshmallows and spaghetti. Secondly, the groups worked together to create cars powered by balloons using various supplies in order to make it go the farthest distance. To close out the workshop, Artist Patcasso performed by taking a blank canvas and turning it into a work of art in minutes to a custom music track by DJ Steady Rock. The Herd also provided tickets to all of the students to attend the Wisconsin Herd Black History Month Celebration.

During the 2022-23 season, the Herd worked with Perry Tipler Middle School to host the STEAM workshop with Artist Patrick “Patcasso” Hunter and DJ Steady Rock. The students were challenged to design a shoe using all the elements of STEAM. The groups were given different profiles to build their shoe to accommodate and then presented to a panel of three judges on how their shoes meet all the requirements and why someone would want to buy their shoe.